
2021年9月5日—MessengerChatheadswhydoesiOSnotsupportmessengerchatheadslikeitdoesonandroid?HowcanIgetthisfeatureonios?,2023年3月5日—Imightbemissingsomething,thoughIseemtocan'tfindthechatheadoptionforthefacebookmessenger.Isthechatheadoptionnotavailable ...,2023年6月29日—HelloApple.PleasehelpmetofindouthowcanIactivechatheadinmymessengerbecauseIupdatedallbutIcan'tfindit?,2013年4月16日—最後,在整個...

Messenger chat heads on iPhone and iPad?

2021年9月5日 — Messenger Chat heads why does iOS not support messenger chat heads like it does on android? How can I get this feature on ios?

Chat head

2023年3月5日 — I might be missing something, though I seem to can't find the chat head option for the facebook messenger. Is the chat head option not available ...

How can I enable bubble chat chat head?

2023年6月29日 — Hello Apple. Please help me to find out how can I active chat head in my messenger because I updated all but I can't find it ?

Facebook 6.0大革新

2013年4月16日 — 最後,在整個程式的各處都有不少設計改善。分隔線減少,看起來更加簡潔。iPad 版的改變尤其明顯,之前的設計就只是將iPhone 版放大,現在終於更加善用螢幕 ...

How to get chat head bubbles for Facebook Messenger on ...

2017年1月20日 — On Facebook Messenger, Chat heads are not available.Unlike Android systems that runs on most Android phones, like Samsung Galaxys or Google ...

Messenger chat heads

2022年12月23日 — I've been with Android since 2014 when I got my first smartphone, and loved the ability to enable chat heads from FB Messenger with them.

How to Have Chat Heads on Ios Ipad

Firstly, go and install the official chatcpt app from Openai, then sign in with your account or make one. And the update was made to the app this morning. that ...